15th February 2014

Thinking About Leaving

Made by Bailey in Introductions and Leaving

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th February 2014, 11:52 AM

Hi guys. If you noticed, I changed my name to "ThinkingAboutLeaving." I'm only thinking about leaving. I'm not sure. I just feel there's more to life then being on the computer all day every day. You may feel completely different, but it's how I feel. I'm not sure what to do. I feel like being on the computer a lot is messing with my head, but I want to be with such good friends. I don't know what to do. Comment your thoughts. I don't mind.


+1 by Dexter, Scott, Varai, OldCPHelper and 6 others

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
15th February 2014, 12:03 PM

My thoughts on this is perfectly fine, I've been thinking of a few things yet if I publicize them I believe an up roar of things would happen. I have been over talking with a few users such as tobuscus,kara,may23,moshi, and many more about a few things that I feel should happen.. I myself believe their is more to life then spending time on your electronics/laptops and other devises. I'd rather see you do what YOU want in life I can't decide your thoughts honestly it is all up to you I won't bring you down good luck.

+1 by Bailey, Juicebox and Sophie
Hi, I'm Scott.
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2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
15th February 2014, 12:05 PM

Aww,i dont want you to go,if you do,atleast visit! :'(

+1 by Bailey

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Seen 2nd January 2022
15th February 2014, 12:17 PM

Chucker/hiphop you are my bestest best friend if you leave you ruin all of my oldcp time i had more memories with you than anyone the wedding turned out good because you came to it if you werent here what close friends do i have then you are my closest friend besides mrshelper

+1 by Bailey and TSA Director

[/spoiler] [/center]

i am forever thankful Zeternal :)

810 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th February 2014, 12:37 PM

Chucky,I would hate to see you leave! You
Make me laugh in hard times and you're
One of my best friends!I know there are many
Things to do in life,but you can divide your time.
That's what I do.First I dance,study,shower,do Arts and Crafts,Watch TV,go to the pool/beach. You can do many,many things a day and if you divide your time you will get much better grades and focus more on your School Work :) Please don't leave me and the Forums/Oldcp.My Online friends make up a HUGE part of my Childhood and you were working SO hard to become a mod!Please Please PLEASE DON'T Leave!

+1 by Bailey and Juicebox
Kara, Olivia, Tessa, Olivia, Adam, Olivia, Olivia

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th February 2014, 12:40 PM

Thank you, everyone, for the kind words. I'm still thinking about it. : )

+1 by TikiLiki

466 posts
Seen 13th September 2014
15th February 2014, 12:46 PM

Well ok. If you decide to leave,that's your decision and we respect that. Goodbye Chucker,if you decide to leave.

+1 by Bailey

Everythings not lost
1,280 posts
Seen 12th March 2020
15th February 2014, 01:19 PM

If you decide to leave that's your opinion. If you do leave then, goodbye. You were a great friend. :)

+1 by Bailey

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.

919 posts
Seen 2nd March 2016
15th February 2014, 01:35 PM

:( I would hate to see you leave and you were on here just for a short time.You were a great friend of mine.I understand that you want to quit and all.Farewell,Chucker321.We will never forget you.

+1 by Bailey

Hi there
804 posts
Seen 7th November 2015
15th February 2014, 01:38 PM

I feel the exact same way about being online. I prefer to hang with friends of who I know their real identity, no offense. Here's what I do, Go on a chat room (blogs, forums, xat, etc..) a few times a week for about an hour or two. I go on at least twice a week, but you could do it everyday for about an hour if you feel the online world is consuming your life. Then again, if you must leave, that's your choice.

+1 by Bailey
Are you reading my signature?
Boring, isn't it?

1,761 posts
Seen 22nd December 2022
15th February 2014, 03:28 PM

Well Checker. I do see why you are thinking about leaving because you want to get away from the computer. I figured out how to solve that, I would just play sports. Like for the school football team. But I am still trying to figure out a solution to a computer problem for people who don't like sports. So if you leave Checker I will respect your decision, if you stay then just remember to make sure to do something to help you limit your computer time. Anyway, good luck deciding on your decision. The choice is yours.

+1 by Bailey

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466 posts
Seen 13th September 2014
15th February 2014, 03:29 PM

If you decide to leave that's your opinion. If you do leave then, goodbye. You were a great friend. :)
I don't get how someone quitting is an opinion...

2,119 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th February 2014, 04:28 PM

Chucker Its your choice but if you do leave we will miss you

learn from me

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