19th February 2014

weird and inappropriated ads

Made by khalfan in Reports

148 posts
Seen 25th March 2015
19th February 2014, 08:18 AM

Hi guys its me Khalfan and i haven't really made a post in a long time but its nice to be back. Also i am very glad that oldcp is back and was very excited when i found out about oldcp.pro. Anyway i just wanted to let everyone know ,that has anyone been seeing weird and inappropriate ads on this site because there was this ad that said two people are spying on you and that really creep-ed me out ! Also does anyone know this ad that pops up about this game called wartune with a lady that doesn't really have descent clothes and is very inappropriate because i was just thinking about the little kids that might come on this site because the internet is becoming more dirty and dirty every day its kind of shocking that this is the world we are living in today. Hope to hear some replies A.S.A.P

if you have any questions, concerns, or comments
please let me know

664 posts
Seen 9th October 2015
19th February 2014, 08:26 AM

Yes. Some younger kids might see that. They might talk about that irl too. Their mother will ask where they got it. He/she will say Oldcp.biz. The mother will call disney. Disney will say it is a repeat, and they'll shut it down.

Waddle 0n!


Holy Pickles!

Christina Perri is my life

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