14th March 2014
1 view

A Long Break....

Made by Kathleen in Introductions and Leaving

75 posts
Seen 16th August 2014
14th March 2014, 03:58 PM

Hey Guys,

Im leaving because of school and stuff like that. My family is getting in slots of fights right now. So i think i need real life time with my real friends and real people.

The times that i might come back are...

2 Weeks

A Month

2 Months

Beginning Of June

End Of June

So those are the times i might come back :)
I had really fun on OldCP and i will miss you all :(
I will visit sometimes also :)

Bye Guys And Waddle On :D

+1 by Starwolf and PenguinDSC

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
14th March 2014, 04:04 PM

Stay Pwease!!! ); D: Stay Kathleen! I Suggest 2 Weeks Just Look Up This Website And Use This

http://www.nhcs.net/htree/Faculty_Staff.html#G Then Look At What Grade You Are In Then Study Im Not Sure If Your In Elamentary My Parents Used This To Help Me With My Grades In Elamenatry. ~Star~

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