23rd March 2014, 09:59 AM
Penguin Watch Application
Hello penguins, moderators, and administrators! Welcome to my Penguin Watch Application!
For the people who may not know me, i am Rawr. I play OldCP, and i am an experienced player.
I have deep respect for Administrators, and moderators.
I am a very mature person, i am a boy .(if you havent noticed)
The reasons i think i would be a good PW agent, are below:
1. I can keep secrets very well.
2. I am mature.
3. I would never abuse any of my powers.
4. I respect, and never got banned.
5. I never broke rules.
6. I can keep OldCP safe.
7. Im an experienced player.
8. I would never let my Friends know that im A PW agent.
The experience i have in OldCp is quite high. I do posts on the forums, that may, and are helpful.
Everytime i do post a helpfull post, i get a great reputation, and happy comments. I give out news inforation aswell. I was a trusted player in AntarcticaCP, and will be a Trusted user on iTom's new CPPS coming soon.
Please tell me your thoughts in the comments below. Also tell me what i could add, or take off.