1,817 posts
Seen 3rd January 2021
26th March 2014, 10:26 AM
A Knight's Application
By Frogs
By Frogs
A long time ago, Well, not that long ago. Maybe 5 minutes? I really don't know, anyways, a penguin by the name of Frogs applied for the Imperial Knights. Did he claim it? It is unknown right now. He had to give some reasons as to why he should claim his spot in The Imperial Knights, and so he did. Lets see what he said, shall we?
What Reasons Did Frogs Give????
Well, he gave many reasons. Let us take a look at them.
Reason No.1: "I have had experience with Being in things like this, such as the PSA which I have been for a long time. I know how to handle situations (most of them) and I think this will be similar to the work I have done in the past.
Reason No.2: "I think i would fit the role as a knight, medieval and all that, but also loyal, kind (most of the time), and active.
Reason No.3:
I will not pretend to stab anyone, or bring violence, or too much at least. (Notice it is bold)
I will not brag, or make others feel bad. (If I do make it)
Reason No.4: I would be whatever is on duty, as long as it's not during school or Sunday, so I will have a lot of time available for work to be done.
Those were Frogs' reasons for being one of the Imperial Knights. I hoped you enjoyed going in the historical past and seeing his application for the Imperial Knights.
Sidenote: This was supposed to be written as a story like thing, but it turned out kind of lame. Please dont say it is lame and write hate posts... thanks.