5th April 2014
1 view

PW Application

Made by Pencil in Applications

2,097 posts
Seen 21st September 2020
5th April 2014, 05:11 PM

Hello everyone. Brodeur here. I'm applying for a PW. Hope you enjoy.

Information about me

Age: 11
Username: Pencil
Rank: Member

Experience: Former moderator on CPPS

Former Detective

The reason why I want to become a PW Member, is because...

I'm trustful
I'm responsible
I solved some mysteries when I worked with Nicholas Angel
I'm mature enough for my age
I never leaked any information

What will I do if I become one?

I would protect penguins and my emperor
I would go to as much meetings I can
I would kick/ban people if there being mean
I would never abuse my powers

Hope you enjoyed my application. Leave a comment below if I would be good to be a PW Member.

Thank you for reading.


Me, myself, and I.
846 posts
Seen 26th March 2020
5th April 2014, 05:40 PM

I like it but, I wish you tell us what you will do when/if you are PW.

Be who you are, don't be someone else be you. You are beautiful you are good. You are you. <3
Hi guys, I'm Ninja. Just another regular person on the DSGHQ. :P
~Carried away by a moonlight shadow~

former moderator.
1,247 posts
Seen 25th February 2016
5th April 2014, 06:52 PM

Good luck, martin brodeur. -Ellie

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