13th April 2014, 08:50 AM
Hey Guys Adawg here! this is my PW Application
Why would I be good for PW?
I know right from wrong, and I would happily serve oldcp! I would fight for oldcp I would be a loyal Brother of the Watch, and I would protect oldcp with all my heart!
Have I had any experience with such a thing?
Yes, my friend opened a cpps and then he closed it, I was a moderator on there, and he said I did great! he had something like called "Cpps Police Watch" or something like that, I was head Person! I hope I can join the Penguin Watch!
Thanks Damen!
"Lord" Adawg
PS I have not changed this application one bit! I memorized it! and im sorry about what happened.
13th April 2014, 09:03 AM
Thanks guys, and Oldspeed IT IS NOT about the power, its about protecting oldcp