7th May 2014
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Made by Templar in Reports

3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
7th May 2014, 05:11 PM

Tank was online today. He was telling terry how he "hacks to learn" and that he knows everyone's IP.

He is a messed up kid who goes and downloads OldCP files to try and "hack". And the reason he knows people's IPs is because he has downloaded an IPlog.

He his not a hacker, and as Cyberwolf rightfully said, he is a noob.

+1 by Archie , Ellie, Bailey, TerryDJ and 7 others

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
7th May 2014, 05:12 PM

Very true.

+1 by Suzy

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

1,360 posts
Seen 28th June 2020
7th May 2014, 05:12 PM

Thank you for telling me this story, Tank should be Ipbanned, :)
-Courtney6, ;)

+1 by Starwolf

former moderator.
1,247 posts
Seen 25th February 2016
7th May 2014, 05:15 PM

Tank was online today. He was telling terry how he "hacks to learn" and that he knows everyone's IP.


He is a messed up kid who goes and downloads OldCP files to try and "hack". And the reason he knows people's IPs is because he has downloaded an IPlog.

He his not a hacker, and as Cyberwolf rightfully said, he is a noob.

Wow, I agree with courtney.

+1 by dayton and fjk

3,713 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th May 2014, 05:19 PM

Tank almost told everyone my real email, I banned him then he made new accounts, he kept telling all staff's ips, I banned him twice because he was telling their ips and emails. I ipbanned him when he was telling admins' too, and he came back by changing ips, I saw him mailed me on forums that he knows my ips and he said he's coming. I tried to tell everyone be careful. I saw Nintendo's mood, That Tank leaked his. He got banned like 4-5 times because he was changing ips to getting unipbanned again. I didn't want him keep doing that, he said he warned me if I banned him, then he said he will leak oldcp's all files. But I ipbanned him, I thought he was lying or faking it, but he acts serious. Tank is banned, his accounts was: forth, fith, sixth, 666chance and 666ip. He said he was Cyberwolf's friend, some penguins said he is Dan because Dan was Cyberwolf's friends. I don't know if he really was or not. But, I told him to stop, and he said he will be back..

+1 by Kara and Boy

former moderator.
1,247 posts
Seen 25th February 2016
7th May 2014, 05:21 PM

Tank almost told everyone my real email, I banned him then he made new accounts, he kept telling all staff's ips, I banned him twice because he was telling their ips and emails. I ipbanned him when he was telling admins' too, and he came back by changing ips, I saw him mailed me on forums that he knows my ips and he said he's coming. I tried to tell everyone be careful. I saw Nintendo's mood, That Tank leaked his. He got banned like 4-5 times because he was changing ips to getting unipbanned again. I didn't want him keep doing that, he said he warned me if I banned him, then he said he will leak oldcp's all files. But I ipbanned him, I thought he was lying or faking it, but he acts serious. Tank is banned, his accounts was: forth, fith, sixth, 666chance and 666ip. I told him to stop, then he said he will be back.. :(

Omggg wow, You did the right thing, terry.

+1 by TerryDJ and fjk

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
7th May 2014, 05:38 PM

Thank you for telling me this story, Tank should be Ipbanned, :)

-Courtney6, ;)
I think that the staff and the PW should investagate into this because the staff can ipban and the Pw can possibly keep watch of what is happening. So I think that we should be ipbanned until further notice about what happens. ~Starwolf~

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th May 2014, 06:40 PM

I KNEW IT. I knew he was Forth. I'm glad you did the right thing Terry. Now the one question is, how did he get OldCP's files? Now, one thing I do know is that Forth is Dan. Daniel was a former moderator, and is Cyberwolf's friend. Maybe they're not friends anymore, but Tank did say he wouldn't say CW's IP. Although in Forth's signature it has the IP of Chelsey, Damen, and Cyberwolf. Dan has also been involved with leaking of other things with a great friend of mine, but I shall not go into detail. I'd also like to add that Forth did make a post stating he had OldCP's files and media servers, so I can now understand where he got the IP's from. If you would like proof that Dan is Forth, PM me.


3,713 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th May 2014, 06:45 PM

I KNEW IT. I knew he was Forth. I'm glad you did the right thing Terry. Now the one question is, how did he get OldCP's files? Now, one thing I do know is that Forth is Dan. Daniel was a former moderator, and is Cyberwolf's friend. Maybe they're not friends anymore, but Tank did say he wouldn't say CW's IP. Although in Forth's signature it has the IP of Chelsey, Damen, and Cyberwolf. Dan has also been involved with leaking of other things with a great friend of mine, but I shall not go into detail. I'd also like to add that Forth did make a post stating he had OldCP's files and media servers, so I can now understand where he got the IP's from. If you would like proof that Dan is Forth, PM me.

Thank for agreeing with me. I will also tell you about this all happened to him, but he told me them of all how do he use/did it.

+1 by Kara and Boy

434 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
7th May 2014, 06:54 PM

thanks for telling me :) now i know what to do

+1 by Kara

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