3rd June 2014

Imperial Knight

Made by Fifi813 in Applications

30 posts
Seen 27th June 2014
3rd June 2014, 10:50 AM

I want to be an Imperial Knight. There are many reasons I would like to be a knight. I would like to help keep old cp safe. I also would like to help penguins in need. When I see a penguin getting bullied, I would help stop the bully. These are reasons why I want to be an Imperial Knight.
This morning I saw someone yelling at another penguin to sh up. I went over and told that penguin to stop and say it nicer. There were penguins who asked me how to do something and I told them how to. I love to care for others and keep them safe. In real life, when someone is sad, I'm usually one of the first ones over there. I always try to keep people happy and I would like to try and make Old CP a happy place too.
I would take the job seriously though. I would follow rules and orders. I would make sure other penguins are following the rules too. I will make sure nobody is rude or bullying others. Most penguins are nice on Old CP, but still, some penguins in the Old CP world can be rude and mean. If I see someone being rude, I wouldn't report them immediately. I would give them 2 warnings first. If that person continues to be mean after the second warning, I would report them.
Oh and about jail. I heard knights can visit jail. I wouldn't be visiting jail that much. I don't like it when you walk in and they crowd you and beg to you about releasing them. I don't know if knights can arrest or release. If you know please tell me on Old CP or put it in the comments. Anyways, you probably wouldn't find me visiting the jail. You would probably find me helping penguins around the island. Even though I'm not a knight yet, I still care for others around the island.
I have been wanting to go on an adventure on Old CP and being a knight might be the next level. Being a knight might start a new adventure for me. Creating and figuring out Old CP was level one. I wanna move up to level two.
I really want to be a knight soon. I have courage, I care, I help, and I'm one knight you can trust.

Fifi813 approves this message and hopes you do too.

+1 by MrSam

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