16th October 2013
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Stop animal abuse now.

Made by Gaf in The Lounge

1,701 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
16th October 2013, 01:10 AM

Ok, the big thing is Animal Abuse. Animal abuse can go to stepping on ants for fun to making dogs fight do death. It's a horrible thing and always makes me cry. People post videos of stepping on ants, or putting salt on slugs. That is a very painful death. People make dogs fight for fun, AND THEY ARE SO NOT JUST DOGS!! This is a very serious thing I'm telling you. How would you like to fight another person because your owner is making you? Yeah, that's what I thought. People leave there houses and keep there animals on a leash out to death.
It's like what you often see on police shows, And it's real as hell.

How you can stop .

It's just little things! If you see a worm on the road, put it aside to the grass.
If you see a abandond dog , call 911.
Doanate to pet shelters.

Do not abuse animals.
Do not step on bugs.
Don't squash spiders!! Just take them outside.
If a friend is abusing, make them stop.
Please do this. Thanks! You just saved a lot of lives.

+1 by May23, xXJettXx, Ella50000, Fango and 2 others
Epic signature from thisismyname Cool signature from Cheep! Cool sig from Bella

78 posts
16th October 2013, 06:33 AM

Then how do Cows end up in people's pizza?
Poor cows. Cows and sheep's need to saved.

Friendly OldCP Helper

85 posts
16th October 2013, 06:35 AM

WOW Your right tornado I do that already but u earned a like and a Great Post!

+1 by Ella50000 and Gaf
Bye Bye
From Ur Friend Jett

I will cya on oldcp!

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
16th October 2013, 07:05 AM

very true. the only thing is that human history has had this for a very long time. Which means.. we kill animals to get our food and nutrition. But animal cruelty needs to stop. Putting salt on snails looks funny as hell but.. it is like putting hydrofluoric acid on your skin. Hydrofluoric acid is a chemical that can burn through skin. Tornado this is a great post. It can hopefully get some people to stop. I will try to not step on a cockroach or spider. EWW I can't stand cockroaches though.. this is will be fun -_-

+1 by Gaf


398 posts
Seen 27th August 2020
16th October 2013, 11:25 AM

This is true and we need to stop it. It is a very sad thing thinking about this.

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
16th October 2013, 11:37 AM

Good thing btw people have been saying the word of a donkey's butt I think
it was a adult language im tired of seeing it im not a teen and I see it (I do not copy it I tell an adult or I ignore it)
anyways good thing that /jr adults has been removed

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

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Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
16th October 2013, 11:38 AM

how about its just a little video that's funny but no fighting of animals

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

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Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
16th October 2013, 11:38 AM

the cat and dog might be sitting with eachother and don't fight

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

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Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
16th October 2013, 11:39 AM

that is good isn't it (PS my friends dog has died and now she is getting a new one :( )

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

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Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
16th October 2013, 11:40 AM

I think the problem was a bad disease or a breathing problem or injurys

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

Epic signature by: Internal
Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

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