8th June 2014
1 view

Becoming a banker

Made by panda2 in Applications

54 posts
Seen 29th August 2014
8th June 2014, 08:37 PM

Id like to become a banker because I feel like we could used more help and I like helping others. Also,this might be off topic but I wanna be one when I grow up it seems like a mental job and that includes self mental eqations so I asked my self why not be one on cp? I know this application may not be worth even looking at but I beg you if I could please be a banker. I hope that you accept this application and not just ignore it. Helping people on cp is just making a difference on cyber bullying. A banker may not help with that but at least it helps with peoples questions. :)

yours truly,

+1 by OldCPHelper
Those who think are smarter or wiser are not wise at all to be wise you do not have to be old, to be wise you must know that knowing or thinking you are wise is not wise at all. Thank you (bows)

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Seen 2nd January 2022
8th June 2014, 08:42 PM

good luck on becoming a banker!

+1 by Cheep

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i am forever thankful Zeternal :)

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