8th June 2014

Moderator Application

Made by LiveToDance in Applications

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
8th June 2014, 09:20 PM

Hi, I am LiveToDance and since I have not gotten any responses on my moderator application - I am going to make another Moderator Application with a little more detail. I would like to become a moderator on Old Cp because I have friends that have experienced being a moderator on different websites and I know what it takes. I will always follow the rules and I will be strict on others to follow the rules too, and prevent harassment and bullying, but I like others to have fun too. I will always find out what the situation is if there is a problem and try my best to solve it. I am usually online everyday for at least 2 hours (if not then more or I have a very important event going on). I would honor my commitment as a moderator and give my word to protecting Old Cp with all of the days of mine on Old Cp. If I was a moderator I would create an anti - bullying group that protects all of Old Cp and do my best to help others around the island. Thank you for taking the time to look at my application, LiveToDance - A True Dancer

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
8th June 2014, 09:42 PM

This application is missing a lot of important things. Do you have experience? How long have you been playing oldcp? Also, it's nice that you want to stop bullying, but you don't have to be a mod to create an anti bullying group. It's an OK application, but it needs some work.

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
8th June 2014, 11:38 PM

Thank you for your feedback and I will take your advice but I already put that my friends have been a moderator on other websites and I have learned a lot from them on how to act and give feedback to others that are making bad choices. I know you do not have to be mod to make an anti bullying group but if you get promoted then a lot more people would listen to you since you have been elected. I have seen a lot of people that don't state how long they have been playing Old Cp and they still get elected as moderator. But Thanks again for your feedback, LiveToDance - A True Dancer

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
10th June 2014, 04:59 PM

Note : I have been on Old Cp for about 6 months. I have learned a lot from other users that are moderators. Thank you, LiveToDance - A True Dancer

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