9th June 2014

Banker Application - Pencil

Made by Pencil in Applications

2,097 posts
Seen 21st September 2020
9th June 2014, 10:34 AM

Hello, and welcome to my application.

Age: 11
How long have you been here? Since this game came out.
Timezone: EST
Username: Pencil
Experience: I have been a detective. I was an administrator on some CPPS. I got demoted. I was moderator on a CPPS, called machoman.pw. The owner shut it down.
I am a master here on forums.

Why do you want to be a banker?
So I can help other penguins (duh). I even saw so many people needing help in the bank. Some bankers don't even no the answer. So that's why I want to become a banker.

What I know?
I know that bankers CAN'T kick/ban/ipban. I know all the rules.
I know all the answers (not all, but most). I speak English, and French.
I am really good at math. I always get an A + on my math tests.

What will you do if you become a banker?
I will be active. I will help users all the time. I will not fool around like other bankers. I think they don't fool around. I know all the guidelines for being a banker. I iwll stay at the bank at all times if any users come.

So I hope you enjoyed my application.
Slap that like button.

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