9th June 2014, 04:57 PM
Hi, my name is Slapstick on old CP and I want to be a moderator. I hate it when some other moderators ban people for no reason [Sometimes just because they don't like their style!] All I want is a good CP experience with no one mean. Also I sometimes even see people hacking and don't ever get banned for being mean or cursing. So that's why I don't just want to be a moderator, I should be one. So plz make me a moderator! :]
9th June 2014, 05:17 PM
Slapstick, you got banned for a reason, there is ALWAYS a reason, even if you can't see it, and if you want to be mod you have to provide more details, what you said was too short.
Kal the Elf
9th June 2014, 05:32 PM
But slapstick, how do we know that for sure? The occasional mod can go crazy with power or just be confused sometimes or even think you re made an account just to keep playing. Mods do that sometimes, and if you become a mod you will probably do something like that at least once or twice
Kal the Elf