9th June 2014

App For Moderator

Made by Kal12343 in Applications

58 posts
Seen 23rd June 2014
9th June 2014, 05:06 PM

I am Kal12343 as you can see
I think I could be a good mod because I am good with people and always report bullies.
Yes, I have only been on for a short time but I have been on real CP for about 3 years.
I think I could be a good mod because I have experienced being bullied many times before and can stand up for myself and others, I happen to have an undercover account(s) to catch other people bullying or breaking the rules.
My ban system would work like this:
Strike 1: Warning (unless situation was bad, then they are auto-banned)
Strike 2: Ban
The reason why there are only 2 strikes is because people should learn from their first mistakes, and if they can't do that they shouldn't be here, because OldCp and the DamenSpike Forums are made for good people, everybody makes mistakes, yeah I know that, but they should learn from the first one and not do anything bad again. If there is a way to pardon or unbar someone, I will reserve that power for people who were unrightfully banned and want to appeal to me or others for an unbar.

I am 12 and have a very high gpa and am one of the top students in my class.
I have many friends and hope to make more

If i missed something please tell me.

+1 by Haioey and Joseiscool
Kal the Elf

1,598 posts
Seen 25th October 2014
9th June 2014, 05:25 PM

great app but u should add more details


58 posts
Seen 23rd June 2014
9th June 2014, 05:30 PM

Ok thanks OldLone, could you give me an idea of what more I should add?

+1 by Haioey
Kal the Elf

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