9th June 2014
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Penguin Watch App

Made by Kal12343 in Applications

58 posts
Seen 23rd June 2014
9th June 2014, 11:42 PM

My name: Kal12343
Experience: I have caught and reported about 4 people (with picture evidence), those 4 people were swearing and I was undercover.
Reasons I should join: I am good at being undercover, I never have the same username once (except for kal12343 which is my main acc) I keep secrets very well and I won't be found. I want to stop bullying and all crimes on oldcp and I can come on each week at the minimum (sometimes I can go up to 4 to 7 hours on oldcp if needed) I can work "double shifts" if needed and I won't quit when things get hard.

Kal the Elf

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