13th June 2014

Why the heck not?

Made by Christine7 in Entertainment

156 posts
Seen 8th August 2014
13th June 2014, 07:25 PM

Hello my kittens! There's no new discussions right now so I decided, why the heck not? But, before we do this.... let me take a selfie! *Random music* Anyways! This is just for the ones who are bored and don't have anywhere new to chat. So! Drum roll please. *drum roll*

Story time!;
Once upon a time there was a bank. It got robbed by someone and it hurt the bank's feelings. So, the bank called his birdy friends who sleep on his head/roof. He said to poop on whoever the robber was! So the birdy friends did so.

THE END! -Christine7

P.S. To be continued, maybe :D

+1 by Pencil
I have many names and I go by all of them, but even though that is so, I am still the same person, me.

Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay? Am I wrong for saying that I choose the other way? -Nico and Vinz

~Lovely and magnificent pic made by Lexi~

1,598 posts
Seen 25th October 2014
13th June 2014, 08:22 PM

cool story i like it


665 posts
Seen 3rd July 2014
13th June 2014, 08:39 PM

cool story i like it
me too!

+1 by Christine7

Epic signature made by Maggie

156 posts
Seen 8th August 2014
13th June 2014, 10:22 PM

Thanks you two. I usually don't get comments like these LOL. You two deserve a like :D

P.S. *boops the like button* Boop!

I have many names and I go by all of them, but even though that is so, I am still the same person, me.

Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay? Am I wrong for saying that I choose the other way? -Nico and Vinz

~Lovely and magnificent pic made by Lexi~

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