14th June 2014

NEW Application.

Made by Angel41514 in Applications

3 posts
Seen 24th June 2014
14th June 2014, 10:31 AM

So my name is Angel41514 and honestly I love Old Cp because New Cp is really annoying. Thanks Disney. Anyways i want this job because i guess more responsibility. I would be on more than I am and I would remember i have a job and yeah. Also it would give me a chance to learn more about Old Cp and meet new people. And I do know a lot about Old Cp and I do know some codes and i could help people like i see moderators and people do. And yeah that is it. Sorry about my first application that was reaaaaalllly bad because i was very confused but now I understand. Thank you Byeee!

+1 by Zeternal

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