14th June 2014, 01:34 PM
I want to apply for penguin watch since they are a kind of agency that damen made so i would like to join here is my application.
#1. i have played oldcp for over 2 years.this is for account mrbaker when i didnt have account snoop
#2. i never fight argue or cuss
#3. im am always online to 10 am to 10 pm
#4. i am very trustworthy and help alot of users
#5. if i saw someone being mean or cussing when mods are offline i would deal with them
#6. if forestboys or iceghosts attacked oldcp i would attack them
well thats my application.
#1. i have played oldcp for over 2 years.this is for account mrbaker when i didnt have account snoop
#2. i never fight argue or cuss
#3. im am always online to 10 am to 10 pm
#4. i am very trustworthy and help alot of users
#5. if i saw someone being mean or cussing when mods are offline i would deal with them
#6. if forestboys or iceghosts attacked oldcp i would attack them
well thats my application.