14th June 2014, 03:28 PM
The Iceghost once attacked me one month ago. And when I try to get on that penguin it says it was dead. My other penguin also got attacked and it always looks like a ghost and whenever I type something in my penguin says Dead@#$% and stuff like that. A lady was there it looked old and whenever I got attacked by it I forgot what she looked like and what her Username was. I'll be on the lookout for her and watch what everyone does to make sure their not the iceghost. I'm on the lookout!
14th June 2014, 03:32 PM
But I do remember something, she had icey hair and looked really icey. But don't try to look for that because she might look like someone that she isn't so people won't know that that's probably her. And don't like for icey stuff because if we caught the wrong person it would be my fault, and again, I don't know if I described the iceghost wrong or right. But I will be on the lookout to check to see if she is attacking any thing else or any other penguins!