15th June 2014

Imperial Knight App

Made by Dancebear in Applications

927 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
15th June 2014, 03:18 PM

Dear Damen, Cyberwolf, Mikomi, Moderators and the Royal Family :

My name is Dancebear. Today I am applying for a position to be an Imperial Knight.

Introduction :

Let me tell a little about myself. I am 15 years old, I'm a girl (obviously), I'm going into
10th grade (currently summer break) and I live in a family of 4 (Two parents and 1 sister).
My favorite hobbies are dancing, drawing, sports, cooking and I love to listen to music. I
teach dance classes 2 times a week, I dont have a job currently, but I will be starting to
search for one after summer. It sounds kinda odd eh? It's because I'm travelling a lot this
summer. I'm a A-B average student also.

My Experience : I dont have much experience but I'll tell you what I did to help Old Club

-During the Iceghost attack, I was a Co-leader to help with the searching.
-I burnt off 2 iceghosts
-Im the Co-Co Leader of the Ice Crushers (A team that defeats the Ghosts and Lords)

-I was a finalist 2 Moderator competitions ago
-I won the Freehawks Tryout (Part 2)
-I've been a OldCp member since V8.
-I've been a Forums member since February 2014

Why I would like to be an Imperial Knight for OldCp.biz :

I would like to be a part of the knights because I want to help protect every single person
on OldCp.biz, including the Moderators and the Royal Family especially. I would love to
work with people as a team to fight the enemies that attacks our island and make OldCp a
happy and great environment for everyone that plays this game.

Why I should get the job :

-I'm on every single day from about 10:00 AM to Midnight (depends If I'm tired or not).
-I'm very tough. I dont let anyone or anything get in my way.
-I take jobs like this very seriously.
-I'm very loyal, strong, confident and fearless.
-I'm trustable
-I'll punish the people that deserves to be punished (jail)
-I'll respect every Knight on the team
-I never let someone down. I always help everyone that needs it.

Thank you for reading and this application is my official copy (no editing needed).


+1 by jake129

Close Friends

- Abushekaus, The PCC Crew, Malorie, Harrison, Zeshan -

11 posts
Seen 6th June 2015
15th June 2014, 04:06 PM

Well I'm part of the ice crushers and I CAN'T FIND ANY ICE GHOSTS!

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