17th June 2014

Will Champion- Coldplay

Made by sarah in Entertainment

1,070 posts
Seen 18th December 2018
17th June 2014, 10:02 AM

Hello everyone! i am a fan of a really cool band called Coldplay. i wish i could go to a concert with them but i can't, sadly. This is some info i found on Will Champion :)

For all the thousands of drummers pushing ahead in a tireless quest for rhythm fame, there will always be one or two like Will Champion who just kind of wind up with it. That’s not to say that, as the drummer for the artistically gifted songwriters known as Coldplay, Champion hasn’t worked hard for his career, but with only five years experience holding a pair of sticks, he’s landed comfortably on the fastest of fast tracks.

+1 by Luek

let the melody save me astoria

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