18th June 2014

Moderator Applitcation

Made by GoodOldCP in Applications

30 posts
Seen 24th June 2014
18th June 2014, 09:03 AM

GoodOldCP's Moderator Application


Hello, Mods, Users, and of course, Damen!
This is my moderator Application:

I am great at tours on new club penguin, I am a light trooper, and
I am a black belt ninja and secret agent. I know most of the " /jr " codes. :)

What would you do as a moderator?

I would defend oldcp from iceghost attacks and would help new penguin + give them tours.
I will help penguins in need and do what ever a mod ask me to.

Will you abuse your powers?


- To have better chances to submit new ideas to oldcp

- To answer questions a new penguin may have

- I've never broken a rule

- I am helpful in many ways

- I will never take spotlight

- I will bow to Damen whenever I see him ( I do now )

- I will respect all rules as a mod and keep classified information secret

- I won't ever be mean to a penguin

- I will be on as much as possible

How long have you been part of oldcp.biz?

Up to 2-3 months, I'm guessing... I'm not to sure

If I'm not on often, I'm on Forums or at my Summer Camp, Sadly I will be at a sleepaway
Summer Camp with no electronics, Including computer, and It's from June25-Augest16, I
can't help that. It would be an honer to become a mod and I hope you consider me. :)

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