18th June 2014

Healer application snoop

Made by this user quit forever in Applications

646 posts
Seen 21st July 2014
18th June 2014, 12:24 PM

I would like to apply for healer because i want to help the injured. i would also like to apply because my mom is a doctor and she told me some things that doctors need to know. here are some reasons i would like to become one.

1#. i am always trustworthy

2#.i never cuss argue or fight

3#. i always help users in need

3#. i am very active i play from 11am to 11pm

4#.i have played oldcp for a long time i joined in the id of 20000. this was before i made account snoop.

5#.even though im not a mod i will still report things on forums or a mod on oldcp.

6#. i would not abuse my powers.

7#. i have a fast computer so i wouldnt have any loading problems so i would get there fast.

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