19th June 2014

Royal healer Application

Made by Dominic in Applications

259 posts
Seen 1st April 2023
19th June 2014, 12:20 AM

I would like to be a royal healer if i get to be one Damen please make it on taylor7767

why I think I should be a Royal healer

Because I am very nice and my mom worked at a hospital so she taught me what they do but i am on here 24/7 I have been a wise counselor since it came out but I have never been a royal wise one i guess I was not Royal type but i hope to be a healer like I said i am on 24/7 and I would love this job ever since my mom died I have been trying to do something to get my mind of it and this has been a good influence on my brain.

-1 by Fries

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