21st June 2014

Moderaters/ rank people

Made by NFL88 in Bugs

44 posts
Seen 30th June 2014
25th June 2014, 07:46 PM

probably maybe your right but always keep in mind some people do ignore and some people are of the computer maybe in the kitchen :D

+1 by Happy77
heyy everybody whats up

705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
26th June 2014, 02:24 PM

He could be Afk... But there is a chance he wasn't

+1 by LiveToDance

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
26th June 2014, 05:55 PM

The moderators you have spoken to may have been busy or currently unable to assist you due to the fact that they have a lot of work on their hands. It is a hard rank to handle with, so it is best if you're patient, and if someone can not lend a hand to you right away, the best choice is to find another way to get a solution.

+1 by Happy77

586 posts
Seen 11th April 2015
26th June 2014, 07:58 PM

EVERY Mod I got to does that! EXCEPT TENNIS! Tennis is the only one who will actually help me!

223 posts
Seen 28th June 2015
26th June 2014, 08:19 PM

don't worry dude. it happens to most of us. But I agree with Mylissa.

That's true!!

Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)

Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Seen 7th March 2016
27th June 2014, 09:28 AM

They were probably AFK, but you can't blame them. Mods are people playing on computers too, and sometime they need time to have a break or get some space. Imagine you are sitting on one of the buildings and people bombard with questions. I know, mods are supposed to help, but sometimes they can't answer ALL your questions. And if they aren't AFK, they should probably look for an important question without looking at useless chats. Maybe when you left, he came back on, unaware of your question.

2 posts
Seen 30th June 2014
27th June 2014, 03:29 PM

[size=big] it happened to me too it's not funny i think they think it is funny.

223 posts
Seen 28th June 2015
28th June 2014, 12:35 PM

Dear Damen,

your mods and rank people are not helping every mod i go to, they ignore me i asked Mrlion 4 times i said CAN YOU HELP ME and he said yes then i explain why i need help and he completely ignored me same thing with Harry but suzeh it took me 31 times say CAN YOU HELP ME and he ignored me 30 times and then he finally listened. I explained why i need help then he listen then said NO then left, so all i get for saying CAN YOU HELP ME 40 times all i get is ignore and a no to my help...this was Sat-Jun 21

im really mad and disapionted you need to hire mods that help not ignore

plz im not trying to be mean or anything but im getting tierd of it plz damen im seroiuse.

plus every time i ask a mod they always ignore me then some other person that IS NOT A MOD helps me i think people taht arnt mods acually help instead of those ingnoring mods and i took type to write this plz dont say no or ignore this message like the rest ik you can help plz. Hopfully you can do something about this and be awesome for old cp.

thank you for reading



Ur point is true, but I bet they were on brb.

That's true!!

Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)

Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)

5,463 posts
Seen 11th January 2023
28th June 2014, 06:49 PM

Moderators need a life to you know, they are hard workers, they can't always answer your questions, maybe try PM him on the forum, then when he is free, he shall read it. ;)

+1 by Happy77

56 posts
Seen 13th September 2014
29th June 2014, 12:13 AM

This is true,mods usually do this,sometimes they are Brb or Afk, they also have other things to do,if mods don't respond then you can ask somebody else that might be able to answer your question

I Have Two Sides, Stay On My Good Side....


991 posts
Seen 8th February 2021
29th June 2014, 04:47 PM

Yes This has happened lots of times! I get pretty mad! I totally agree!

Thanks Daisy! :)


Thank you Jacks!

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
29th June 2014, 06:01 PM

Do not get upset if a staff member is not available to help you, as there are many other ways to find advice from most of anyone. My suggestion to you is to ask around the room you were located in to see if practically any user will notice, rather than simply going to only a few. They may have been busy to not reply, but I ask of you to not fret about this situation, because you will find what caused the issue to your problem somehow. However if they do ignore you and answer others, then that is not fine to do as sometimes it can be a bit of trouble to catch someone's attention. Every staff member should be aware of who needs help at that certain time, though I can assure you that they do their best to balance each concern on their hands at once.

+1 by Happy77

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