22nd June 2014, 01:56 AM
Hey y'all! I must say I think that you need someone who's gonna loosen you up a bit! Y'all seem a little uptight in the royal courtroom. Someone ain't keepin y'all entertained. I was entertainin Jesse by tryna get in trouble! He had eyes on me... Well y'all totally should think it's a joke to make, I, the hilarious Jaxon Tanner Andrews (jaxonx3) a royal jester, despite the fact that I am probably best suited for the job.. Well please do consider my proposal of funny business (see what I did there?) because I am convinced you need to loosen up.
Your's Truly,
The Wonderful Cyclops,
J. T. Andrews (Jaxonx3)
Your's Truly,
The Wonderful Cyclops,
J. T. Andrews (Jaxonx3)