23rd June 2014

Healer Application (Cheep)

Made by Cheep in Applications

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Seen 3rd November 2019
23rd June 2014, 10:04 PM

Hello DSGHQ!

Today I am going to be making a healer application for you all to see.

Name: Kayla/Michaela
Username: Cheep
Birth date: November 2nd 1997
Age: 16

Now here is my favorite part :D.

Experience: Well not exactly. You see this idea has only came out a few days ago. There for I have not much experience but I do keep the healer command on. I love this idea a lot.... You have no idea! I would love to be a healer and keep my job at the bank. I would never give my job up at the bank to be honest...

Passion: My passion is nothing to describe how I feel.... I would rather call it a engine.... Indeed... I shall now call "Passion" an engine! To show that passion is nothing but a fuse.. a fuse that starts in your feet and comes all the way up to your head ;). So my engine would have to be my brain which allows me to process this whole thing. And also lets me be who I am and also not be judged... I just love the healers of DSGHQ! This would be an honor to give me the title Lady of the Bank/Healer :)!!!! I just want this badly...

Power: I would not abuse my powers.. What so ever! If I get an order from Damen himself.... I shall obey his orders and follow through. If he says run, I run! If he says stop, I stop! I shall follow these rules. Not bring anyone back unless they have gave me 100 pieces of gold or more. If I have to get replaced at the bank I shall not become a Royal Healer. I must stay with the bank through thick and thin. I honestly don't see how I could abuse my powers, but I can see how I could dis obey. Which I will not do as well.

Thank you for reading this application. I hope to see my self as a healer. :). Yours Truly Lady Cheep.

+1 by Bp28, iLucky and Gamer
Lady Cheep Glitz of the Royal Imperial Bank
Lady of the Bank - Detective - Forums Moderator - OldCP Moderator - Lady of the Empire



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