623 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
25th June 2014, 10:47 AM
Hi everyone i've got some bad news. latley theres been some reports of this black dark creature with horns and he tried to get norgan. And now norgan is nowhere to be seen :'( If u see the creature ur next. ( to die!) I saw it this morning :'( So thats means I'll die ;'(
Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Seen 3rd November 2019
25th June 2014, 10:48 AM
Not necessarily. If you see him saying stuff like gibberish... Then you could be in danger. But don't worry...
223 posts
Seen 28th June 2015
25th June 2014, 08:49 PM
Lulu, I'm not a knight (yet) but if I become one I promise I will defeat this Hound guy once and for all. I hope you don't die, but if u do I WILL AVENGE YOU!
That's true!!
Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)
Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)
Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)
Credits to Bella (BellatheKiller)