28th June 2014, 01:13 AM
Before you label me as a nerdy gamer or something I want to first tell you that I am not SUPER addicted to video games or consoles or any of that this is just a discussion that I want to put out there and let people know that I am sometimes fun with video games and would like to share thoughts or time with other players that I don't know, so we can know each other and become friends. 
I want to post this because I was really bored. I will talking about my type of social entertainment that I like in my opinion, and if you dont like it then post a comment saying what you like better.
To all the gamers and people out there who play video games for fun, not for critizising people on social media or anything like that I would like to get to know people well and ya. vidya games!
I like playing the next gen consoles like Xbox One and PS4 at my uncles house because he has alot of games like Dead Rising 2, Watch Dogs, Ghosts (COD), Black Flag, and other cool games.
If you want to play with me on Xbox 360 here is my gamertag: XxXNinjerXxX (If this sounds like a racist name I'm sorry, Ninjer is a player on Castle Crashers that is really cool). I don't own any next gen consoles myself but my uncle does but I only play single player on those. So ya if you want to hang out then there is my gamertag and all you need to know blah blah check my bio whatever
XxXNinjerXxX lol

I want to post this because I was really bored. I will talking about my type of social entertainment that I like in my opinion, and if you dont like it then post a comment saying what you like better.
To all the gamers and people out there who play video games for fun, not for critizising people on social media or anything like that I would like to get to know people well and ya. vidya games!
I like playing the next gen consoles like Xbox One and PS4 at my uncles house because he has alot of games like Dead Rising 2, Watch Dogs, Ghosts (COD), Black Flag, and other cool games.
If you want to play with me on Xbox 360 here is my gamertag: XxXNinjerXxX (If this sounds like a racist name I'm sorry, Ninjer is a player on Castle Crashers that is really cool). I don't own any next gen consoles myself but my uncle does but I only play single player on those. So ya if you want to hang out then there is my gamertag and all you need to know blah blah check my bio whatever

XxXNinjerXxX lol