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Seen 30th August 2023
28th June 2014, 01:44 PM
Jack and the bean stalk(CP EDITION)
Narrator: One day Jack and his mother thought they had to sell something to get more money.So His mother thought of selling their Rare golden puffle.But Jack refused to.
Jack: I don't want sell our rare golden puffle!
Mother: Well we have to! You just don't understand.
Jack: -_-''
Narrator: So Jack went out in town to sell their golden puffle.Then Jack stumbled across a man that covered his face.
Mysterious man: Hello, may I buy that puffle?
Jack: Sure how much?
Mysterious man: *whispers* I will let you have 8 magic beans for that puffle.
Jack: *thinks*
10 minutes later
Jack: *thinks*
Mysterious man: -_-'' Are you gonna take them or not?
Jack:Erm... Okay
Narrator: So Jack took these 8 magical beans and ran off to his small cottage.When Jack got home his mother wasn't very happy.
Mother: -_-'' What are these?
Jack: Magical beans! Practically 8 of them.
Mother: Next time I'm going to sell the things.
Mother: *Throws beans outside*
Jack: Well....
Narrator: That day Jack didn't have any dinner or supper.
The next day
Narrator: The next day the beans grew to be a HUGE beanstalk! So when his Mother went shopping Jack climbed up the bean stalk and found a magical palace.
Woah! This place is awesome! *walks into big palace*
Jack: *steps inside* O_o It's a bit too big!
Narrator: Jack heard a loud thump coming near by...
Herbert: FE FI FO FUM I smell a penguin from a English one!
Jack: I better hide! *hides*
Herbert: Z z z z z z........
Jack: *see's golden egg and rainbow puffle*
Jack: *runs* *takes egg and rainbow puffle*
Jack: *slides down beanstalk*
Mother: *chops down beanstalk*
Thank you!
Mother: Anytime!
They lived happily ever after!
This story was created by Rasberry!
Hope you enjoy!
Narrator: One day Jack and his mother thought they had to sell something to get more money.So His mother thought of selling their Rare golden puffle.But Jack refused to.
Jack: I don't want sell our rare golden puffle!
Mother: Well we have to! You just don't understand.
Jack: -_-''
Narrator: So Jack went out in town to sell their golden puffle.Then Jack stumbled across a man that covered his face.
Mysterious man: Hello, may I buy that puffle?
Jack: Sure how much?
Mysterious man: *whispers* I will let you have 8 magic beans for that puffle.
Jack: *thinks*
10 minutes later
Jack: *thinks*
Mysterious man: -_-'' Are you gonna take them or not?
Jack:Erm... Okay
Narrator: So Jack took these 8 magical beans and ran off to his small cottage.When Jack got home his mother wasn't very happy.
Mother: -_-'' What are these?
Jack: Magical beans! Practically 8 of them.
Mother: Next time I'm going to sell the things.
Mother: *Throws beans outside*
Jack: Well....
Narrator: That day Jack didn't have any dinner or supper.
The next day
Narrator: The next day the beans grew to be a HUGE beanstalk! So when his Mother went shopping Jack climbed up the bean stalk and found a magical palace.

Jack: *steps inside* O_o It's a bit too big!
Narrator: Jack heard a loud thump coming near by...
Herbert: FE FI FO FUM I smell a penguin from a English one!
Jack: I better hide! *hides*
Herbert: Z z z z z z........
Jack: *see's golden egg and rainbow puffle*

Jack: *runs* *takes egg and rainbow puffle*

Jack: *slides down beanstalk*
Mother: *chops down beanstalk*

Mother: Anytime!
They lived happily ever after!
This story was created by Rasberry!

Hope you enjoy!