29th June 2014

Life and it's goals

Made by LiveToDance in Entertainment

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
29th June 2014, 04:13 PM

Ever think about how you want your life to end up as? This question is one of the most important elements in a lifetime. It changes your seeings of your future and changes your typical goals too. There is always time to think about what you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want yourself to be like. If you think you can't do anything with yourself or your just not as good as the others, your wrong. Your as nice, sweet, giving, unique, and most importantly your yourself. If your around someone that just wants to impress others by acting "cool," don't spend time around them. It can influence your behavior around your real friends and change your personality. My point is always be yourself and then your on the road to a great life! Your goals are important too. Just believe in yourself and your dreams. Set your goals by looking around the world and seeing what is most important to you and what you would like to do with your life. And ask yourself this: Who can do ANYTHING? Who can be ANYTHING? Who can achieve ANYTHING? And most importantly, Who can be theirself? If you answer all those questions with you, then your off to a wonderful start!

+1 by Scott, EpicAnimatorGuy, , TwentyTwoPilots and 1 other

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 17th November 2024
29th June 2014, 04:55 PM

thats really good i like it u just made my life change its not about ur self its abobut other people and saying about who u are and what u should do

+1 by LiveToDance and

Lol and fart

5,463 posts
Seen 11th January 2023
29th June 2014, 05:22 PM

Well the main thing is to study, if you study you get better at your work and exams, if you get better at your exams you will get better grades, if you get better grades, you shall get a good job, and if you get a good job, you shall get somewhere in life. :)

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