29th June 2014

Some Ideas For Oldcp

Made by Cage in Entertainment

23 posts
Seen 30th June 2014
29th June 2014, 10:08 PM

Hello Everyone Sorry if its the wrong category But Im Gonna Tell u soem ideas about oldcp.biz that we should have for 2014

1.No More Enemies

2. Partys As Well..

3.Games on oldcp

4. Better igloos/Bigger igloos

5. Missions in oldcp

6. Theather in Oldcp

7.No More Xat Chats For DSGHQ

8.No Bots in oldcp

9. Credits Back

10.Office Back

11.No Jrs Allowed

Those Are My Ideas Plz Comment Below about ThemTell 1 Thats ur fav

+1 by Bailey, Scott and Mone
Hehehe Starbucks .-.

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
29th June 2014, 10:16 PM

Nice ideas! But jr's should be able to stay... what's wrong with them?

Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

13 posts
Seen 17th July 2014
30th June 2014, 02:04 AM

In my opinion, a couple of these ideas wouldn't make old cp very old any more. Please don't take offense. I feel like old cp and new cp shouldn't have too many things in common, but I do see that you are trying to find an in-between and I would enjoy that too. Sorry If this post is confusing:/. I do however like the enemies one and a couple more :).

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