OG ?

1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
1st July 2014, 11:53 AM
As you have heard there is going to be a gold competition.This competition allows you to receive 400 gold! ( 2 people.And if you win only)
Cyberwolf chose 2 teams.
You can either join..... Mr.Lion's team *cheer* by saying /outfit lionswag
Or.... Chex's team! *cheer* by saying /outfit chex
Good luck to everybody!
By the way. Lion's say ROAR.Or RAWR. And cat's say MEOW
P.S. Sorry if this is in the wronged category
~Rasberry A.K.A The reindeer/ lion
As you have heard there is going to be a gold competition.This competition allows you to receive 400 gold! ( 2 people.And if you win only)
Cyberwolf chose 2 teams.
You can either join..... Mr.Lion's team *cheer* by saying /outfit lionswag
Or.... Chex's team! *cheer* by saying /outfit chex
Good luck to everybody!
By the way. Lion's say ROAR.Or RAWR. And cat's say MEOW
P.S. Sorry if this is in the wronged category
~Rasberry A.K.A The reindeer/ lion

1st July 2014, 01:35 PM
There was a gold competition a few days ago with team red and team blue. We had to name 18 things with the color of our team, go around the island and give a tour, and name as many things we would want in OldCp that was originally from the old version of Club Penguin made by Disney. And for the last round to find out which 2 penguins won the gold, the finalists were workers at the pizza parlor while the rest were customers. It was fun and I am glad we get to do it again!

OG ?

1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
1st July 2014, 01:44 PM
Thanks! for replying here is some more information like what time and where!
Link: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/19623-Gold comp./
Link: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/19623-Gold comp./