3rd July 2014

The Great Love #Part 2

Made by Annie in Entertainment

1,314 posts
Seen 26th October 2015
3rd July 2014, 01:46 PM

Rosie was all excited and said "Oh mum! I am so excited but I am sad I am leaving you!" Then her mum sighed and said "Don't worry honey its time to set you free" then she sniffed "Mum well better get ready" Her mum went to bed and so did Rosie the next day Rosie woke up and was so happy she said "Yes! My day of FREEDOM!" She got out of bed and got ready and she said goodbye to her mum and left she went into her flat* "Wow this is great better unpack and get things going" She unpacked and went outside and went to get some food "Hmmm this is delicious!" Suddenly a person says "Is this seat taken?" Rosie does her big warm smile and said "No its not you can sit wherever you like!" They both smiled at each other and didn't talk for a while.Then the person said.......

The rest next time I couldn't do this part because I ran out of time anyway wait for part 3 and heres a link for part 1 http://forums.damenspike.com/view/19534-/

+1 by OldCPHelper

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