2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
4th July 2014, 05:05 PM
Hey guys Star here! Today I am applying for a special rank this rank is News Reporter! Yup it's News Reporter! I made a mood saying I may apply for it but my reports are not that good. But I thought about it and it was a rank I want so I am applying for it! So I hope you like my application!
Name: Starwolf
Age: 13
Birthdate: 12/25/01
Exprience: I have been on oldcp for nearly one year the date I joined oldcp is 7/713. I have been on the forums for 8 months!
Hello Damen! It's me Starwolf today I am applying for the rank News Reporter. I want this rank because I want to see what it's like I will also help bring back the News section. Before Crowflying posted in the News section it had not been used since May 24th! And the reporters are supposed to post news and nobody posted in it for that long! So once a incident happens I will quickly post about it.
If I become a News Reporter I would be active which I am I would be on oldcp a lot to if I see a mood saying "Something happned at the (place on oldcp)" I would quickly go there and make a post about it. If I will be inactive for a while I will make a mood and post about it so I don't go offline for unknown reasons.
I want this rank because it will be a amazing new exprience for my time on this wonderful community and wonderful game. I would treat this rank like it's the real deal. I would NEVER spam reports so all thats left in recent discussions are my discussions. If I get this rank it would be a honour to have because it would be a step foward in my time on this game.
It would mean a whole lot to me if I got premoted. I would help keep the News section alive instead of it being dead because News Reporters are supposed to put reports in the section and like I said before Crowflying's report was put in that section it had not been used since May 24th! I would be keeping the section alive till I quit or wanted a diffrent rank.
If I got premoted I would NOT brag in moods and discussions. I would make a mood saying thank you Damen or who premoted me. As a thank you gift I would transfer them some gold for return. Then after my thank you I would start doing my job.
Well Damen this has been my News Reporter application! I spent time working on this and I hope you like it it would mean a lot if I got premoted because it would be a amazing new exprience to have. But I hope you like it! ~Starwolf~
Name: Starwolf
Age: 13
Birthdate: 12/25/01
Exprience: I have been on oldcp for nearly one year the date I joined oldcp is 7/713. I have been on the forums for 8 months!
Hello Damen! It's me Starwolf today I am applying for the rank News Reporter. I want this rank because I want to see what it's like I will also help bring back the News section. Before Crowflying posted in the News section it had not been used since May 24th! And the reporters are supposed to post news and nobody posted in it for that long! So once a incident happens I will quickly post about it.
What I would do.
If I become a News Reporter I would be active which I am I would be on oldcp a lot to if I see a mood saying "Something happned at the (place on oldcp)" I would quickly go there and make a post about it. If I will be inactive for a while I will make a mood and post about it so I don't go offline for unknown reasons.
Why I want this rank.
I want this rank because it will be a amazing new exprience for my time on this wonderful community and wonderful game. I would treat this rank like it's the real deal. I would NEVER spam reports so all thats left in recent discussions are my discussions. If I get this rank it would be a honour to have because it would be a step foward in my time on this game.
What this rank would mean to me.
It would mean a whole lot to me if I got premoted. I would help keep the News section alive instead of it being dead because News Reporters are supposed to put reports in the section and like I said before Crowflying's report was put in that section it had not been used since May 24th! I would be keeping the section alive till I quit or wanted a diffrent rank.
How would I handle it.
If I got premoted I would NOT brag in moods and discussions. I would make a mood saying thank you Damen or who premoted me. As a thank you gift I would transfer them some gold for return. Then after my thank you I would start doing my job.
Well Damen this has been my News Reporter application! I spent time working on this and I hope you like it it would mean a lot if I got premoted because it would be a amazing new exprience to have. But I hope you like it! ~Starwolf~