5th July 2014

Tour Guide Application

Made by PenguinDSC in Applications

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
5th July 2014, 05:08 PM

I would like to apply for tour guide. I am PenguinDSC, and I am 13 years old. I have been a tour guide before on Oldcp v6. I would love to be a tour guide because I know all about the Island, and about many jr rooms and the office. I have had experience being a tour guide, and I know what it is like. It would be a good job to help people around, and tell them about the features of oldcp. It would be fun because I love helping, and I would like to get a chance to get to know new people better. This would be a good job for me because I am skilled, and I have had experience doing this before. Being a tour guide would mean being active. I am active, and I am on every day for a couple of hours. I think I should also be able to tell about using commands, and how to use the forums. I think that would be a nice addition to tour guiding. Overall, I love helping, and I think this would be the perfect job for me. Comment what you think.

+1 by Cheep, Pencil, Dancebear, Crowflying and 2 others

OG ?
1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
5th July 2014, 05:16 PM

Awesome! You have put alot of details on this application.
I hope Damen or Cyberwolf choose you to become a tour guide!


+1 by PenguinDSC

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
7th July 2014, 02:02 PM

Great application! Hope you get the job! ;)

Best Friends
Damen, Nathan Drake, Tennis, Jesse, Matthew, Freddy, Crowflying, Roberto, Bobby, Bp28, Sir Sriram

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