5th July 2014

Pizza Parlor Waiter app.

Made by Pots in Applications

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Seen 7th March 2016
5th July 2014, 06:05 PM

Hello! I am here to sign up as a Pizza Parlor Waiter!

Online: I go on for a couple of hours each day, but mostly in the morning. 1-2 hours each day.

Why am I good for the job?: I love serving people (not like, as a slave xD) I always want to come help others. My computer is fast, so I can come to people at the earliest. I've always wanted to do my part for Oldcp, but being someone else but a waiter won't fit me. I have good memory, so I won't forget others and their orders. When people crowd up to me, I won't lose my temper unless there's WAY too much. I won't hire anyone who is irresponsible for a job in the pizza parlor. Of course I am very friendly, I won't hurt any of the customer's feelings! I lastly want to experience having a job for the first that was in Old Oldcp, which I never knew about really. Thank you and please tell me if it's not enough.

(Sorry if the character looks like a prep ._.)

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
5th July 2014, 07:13 PM

I want too, I want to be a pizza parlor waiter, I gonna make a discussion saying this too.

Join Light Troops


Sweet memories

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
7th July 2014, 02:00 PM

Great application! Hope you get the job! ;)

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