5th July 2014, 06:28 PM
Hi everyone, today I will be applying for Gift Shop Clerk. But, before you read my application I would like to tell you a little about myself.
Username - LiveToDance
Birthday - November 10th 2002
Hobbies - Dancing, Singing, Learning, and Art
Online contacts - Instagram: @OldCp_Liv
Why I want this job - I want this job because I would like to help out and be a part of the OldCp staff. This job is important to me because it fits me well. I like to give advice on the latest styles, help with codes, and much more! OldCp is such a great place to test your skills, help out those in need, and most importantly have fun! New comers that do not know how to get items, shop, or anything else: they can just come to the gift shop! I would love to be a part of the growing and loving of OldCp!
Why I would be good at this job - I would be good at this job because I have experienced how business works. New users always want to know how to get a code, what an item is, or how to dress their penguin! Everyone loves to style according to what the big deals are that others are wearing these days! That is why I would be the perfect match for this job.
Active - I am very active and usually online from the range of 4 hours - 7 hours each day unless there is a family emergency, an occasion, or something important going on.
Trustworthy - I am very trustworthy. I will always do my best to stay on time, help out any day, and never let customers down.
How long have I been using the DSGHQ and OldCp? - I have been using OldCp for 3 months now in counting and been on the forums for 1 - 2 months.
Experience - Most of my experience is due to my family's experience. Over half of my family has worked in stores for apparel and taught me a lot about how to work and what goes on everyday. I would love to experience it for myself to see what it is like, especially on OldCp!
Closing - Thank you for reading my application. If you have anything you would like to say please do so and make a comment! I would be honored to hear any suggestions or feedback you might have!
54 posts
Seen 29th August 2014
5th July 2014, 08:28 PM
This was an AWSOME application! It explained a little about yourself and and all the good qualities you have. I hope you get this job I think you have earned it! good luck!
Those who think are smarter or wiser are not wise at all to be wise you do not have to be old, to be wise you must know that knowing or thinking you are wise is not wise at all. Thank you (bows)