5th July 2014

My Moderator Application

Made by unicornsxd in Applications

13 posts
Seen 20th July 2014
5th July 2014, 09:34 PM

Hello everyone! I have recently decided to make an application to become a moderator. I have been on Club Penguin since October 24, 2005. As most people would agree, we all miss it. So I was very happy to see that this website existed. I hope you enjoy my application!

1- I am very active but, my whole world doesn't revolve around the computer.

2- I will make sure there is no bullying. I have been bullied before, and it hurts.

3- I am very trustworthy.

4- I will listen to both sides of the story before making a decision.

5- I will not abuse my power as moderator. I won't act like I'm better than anyone just because of my rank.

6- I will ban people if needed.

7- I will not slack off on duty.

8- I will respect everyone.

9- I will help keep OldCP safe and bully-free.

10- I will make sure everyone is able to have fun without being tormented.

In conclusion, there are many things that I could mention but, I'd be typing for the rest of the day! I hope you enjoyed my application. I also hope you consider making me a moderator. Thanks!


+1 by roze, Cheep, xXCoffeeXx and Sam

Inactive User
766 posts
Seen 19th February 2016
5th July 2014, 09:46 PM

Its too short, you need more detail, like are you trustworthy, or will you abuse your powers.

+1 by Cheep

163 posts
Seen 4th May 2015
5th July 2014, 11:19 PM

nice app- you just need more detail

Thanks "Lucy the Angel"!

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
7th July 2014, 01:54 PM

Great application! Hope you get the job! ;)

+1 by unicornsxd and johne7e46
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