6th July 2014

Tour Guide ~Nikki

Made by n in Applications

506 posts
Seen 17th March 2019
6th July 2014, 08:09 AM

Name: Nikki

Age: 13

Why would I like to be a Tour Guide? I love to help people and I will be able to help even more with this job. I would be able to help new users even more! I'd love to have the job and I think it would be super fun! I have good grammar and I am very mature.

What is my experience? Well I help out my friends and other people such as new users a lot. I also help in real life. Whenever anybody has a question I try my best to answer it. Whenever I see a new user asking questions I try to answer the most I can.

How long do I play every day? I play about 2-3 hours every day.

When did I join Old CP? About 6 months ago.

When did I join forums? April 23, 2014.

Am I active? Yes, of course!

More reasons I should be a tour guide:

- I would never bully. I am actually in an anti-cyberbullying group.
- I love to help and I know a lot of things about Old CP for new users.
- I can answer almost any question, and if I didn't know, I would tell them that I didn't know and give tell them a name of another tour guide that can answer the question.
- I have pretty good grammar.
- I always try my best to help anyone who needs it.

I hope you like my application! I'd love to be a tour guide so I hope you accept me! :D


+1 by Studly Fazbear, Lloyd, TwentyTwoPilots, sarah and 1 other

254 posts
Seen 4th November 2014
6th July 2014, 08:19 AM

great app i give u like

+1 by n

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
6th July 2014, 09:13 AM

You can be a god tour guide, +' like to u!

Join Light Troops

+1 by n

Sweet memories

13 posts
Seen 18th August 2015
6th July 2014, 11:23 AM

This is a great app! Nikki+Tourguide=PERFECTION!

+1 by n
Winnie's backup

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
7th July 2014, 01:45 PM

Great application! I really hope you get the job! ;)

+1 by n
Best Friends
Damen, Nathan Drake, Tennis, Jesse, Matthew, Freddy, Crowflying, Roberto, Bobby, Bp28, Sir Sriram

163 posts
Seen 15th September 2014
8th July 2014, 08:20 PM

LOL, I will Protest if you don't get that job! :) GET THE JOB, GET THE JOB! +1

+1 by n

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