6th July 2014

My application.

Made by Team in Applications

queen of oopsie doopsies
374 posts
Seen 24th April 2022
6th July 2014, 04:46 PM

Hi penguins I think I know what I truly want to do! Plan weddings!!!!! :D

Why do you want to be a wedding planner? Well, lots of penguins are getting married now but I haven't so I want to help get everything set up and every penguin is my friend!

Are you online a lot? Yes! I am always online at least I try to but I am on whenever I can!

Are you trustworthy? Yes I know I can keep secrets and I can trust other penguins as well!

Are you responsible? I try to be on time for planning weddings and getting the job done to make everyone happy!

Are you active? Well, like Mods and other jobs I am always active! Like I am supposed to be!

Are you good with weddings? Yes indeed I am! I was a flower girl once! and I have seen how people set up and plan where everything will be!

Do you have ideas for weddings? Yes, I already have a few ideas for places and the afterparties!

That was my application please report to Damen for me to be a wedding planner it is my true virtual dream thanks for your time! byez!!!!!!!!!!! :D Also my username is really TeamMaybe721

- Take this seriously -


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