12th July 2014

Detective App

Made by Dominic in Applications

259 posts
Seen 1st April 2023
12th July 2014, 10:53 AM

Hi everybody I am applying for detective I used to be a detective when nicholasangel was leader but then he went a little crazy so anyways here is my app.

Why I want to be a detective.
Because I love to solve crimes if I'm not playing this game I'm playing spy games with my friends also I take jujitsu and TaeKwondo i am going up for my 3rd black belt in TaeKwonDo also I love to help people and to kind of be the guy who helped save oldcp.

Am I trust worthy?
YES!!!!! I would never abuse my powers I would never steal from oldcp! I would never ever do anything bad to anyone. Also here is my oath http://www.uscmed.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/doctors-right-hand.jpg that I would never steal abuse my powers or do anything bad if I get detective and if I don't get detective.

Can i be sneaky?
Yes I will go undercover I will find as much information as I can and report it to Damen or a admin or something I will make sure no bad guys know what I'm doing and I will find as much bad guys I can and get some more information.

I used to be a detective when Nicholas was leader but then a lot of stuff happened and I lost my job I am going up for my 3rd black belt in TaeKwonDo I also take jujitsu.

Name: sailors
Age: 16

765 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th July 2014, 10:55 AM

Nice Application, good luck :)

259 posts
Seen 1st April 2023
12th July 2014, 10:56 AM

Nice Application, good luck :)

Oh thank u!!!!!

+1 by lana

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