Snaildom Moderator ~ Ask me for help!
1,374 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
13th July 2014, 08:13 PM
Moderator Application
Hello everyone. I am Melanie. Today I am making a moderator. Please enjoy. (If you don't think I am good enough, I completely understand.)
Too personal. I am sorry.
I have a lot of experience. I have trained since I have started.
Why do you want this job?
I want this job because I love helping people. And I would like to ban un nice and bad people.
Do you know the order for banning?
Yes I do. 3 warnings=1 kick 3 kicks=1 ban 3 bans=1 ipbanned
Can we trust you?
Yes. You may trust me.
Will you kick people for no reason?
No. That is not a good moderator.
Will you abuse your powers?
No. Never ever in my life.
Will you bully?
I really would never bully. I have never seen a mod bullying...
Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it. (If you don't think I am good enough, that is okay.) Bye!