16th July 2014, 08:29 AM
Detective Application - oldcp
Hello, my name is PoliceBob/War4! I'm 13 years old and would love to be a detective for OldCP! I would enforce the rules, solve mysteries, and serve Damen.
I've been in OldCP from v5 and I have been here to the point where it is v9! I don't plan to leave OldCP just yet. I have seen some very odd things on this game and forums!
OldCP has some delightful characters and Penguins, Moderators, and adminstators that I'd love to help with! But sadly, the moderators can't always be a mystery solver!
I'm very active, and I get on everyday, and sometimes the hole Day!
I solved the Mystery of the Mickey hack, along with PenguinDSC
• I have been a forum moderator
• I've been a beta tester for Damen
• I'm trusted to I believe my fullest limit
• I am a master and have been for almost my hole entire Forums experience and Oldcp!
• I'm honest, trustworthy, friendly, kind, cheerful, brave for myself and others around me!
• I have never received a warning nor ban or kick on DSGHQ
I have solved a crime and I will do it again!
I love mysteries and things that give you something to think about. It would be something new for me, but I can become better at it
I will watch the servers for any mysterious people, who may resemble figures and characters that have been here in the past causing trouble
How will I know that I'm good or bad at this job if I don't get a chance??
Thank you for reading my detective application!
- PoliceBob
Hello, my name is PoliceBob/War4! I'm 13 years old and would love to be a detective for OldCP! I would enforce the rules, solve mysteries, and serve Damen.
I've been in OldCP from v5 and I have been here to the point where it is v9! I don't plan to leave OldCP just yet. I have seen some very odd things on this game and forums!
OldCP has some delightful characters and Penguins, Moderators, and adminstators that I'd love to help with! But sadly, the moderators can't always be a mystery solver!
I'm very active, and I get on everyday, and sometimes the hole Day!
I solved the Mystery of the Mickey hack, along with PenguinDSC
• I have been a forum moderator
• I've been a beta tester for Damen
• I'm trusted to I believe my fullest limit
• I am a master and have been for almost my hole entire Forums experience and Oldcp!
• I'm honest, trustworthy, friendly, kind, cheerful, brave for myself and others around me!
• I have never received a warning nor ban or kick on DSGHQ
I have solved a crime and I will do it again!
I love mysteries and things that give you something to think about. It would be something new for me, but I can become better at it
I will watch the servers for any mysterious people, who may resemble figures and characters that have been here in the past causing trouble
How will I know that I'm good or bad at this job if I don't get a chance??
Thank you for reading my detective application!
- PoliceBob
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?
and i was stressed out.
2,308 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
16th July 2014, 08:31 AM
Great Application Bob hopefully you get the Job
twenty one pilots is cool.
640 posts
Seen 26th November 2021
16th July 2014, 08:32 AM
Good app, but I dont think Damen need more detectives.......