27th July 2014
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Detective Application (Cheep)

Made by Cheep in Applications

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Seen 3rd November 2019
27th July 2014, 01:00 PM

Cheep's Detective Application

Hello DSGHQ members! I would like to obtain the position Detective. Why, you ask? Well simply because mysteries, murders, and more are my cup of tea ;).

Experience: Let's start off with my experience. Well I am a OldCP moderator, and I was the first Lady of the Bank ever to be seen on this game ;). Also I admire Bakon's thirst for many jobs what a go getter! :D.

As some of you know I had to look into who robbed the bank, only to uncover that Freddy did not tell Gamer to rob it. I am very hard to 'figure' out. Here is my theory on what to do when catching a criminal. Get very close to them and then you strike! Therefore leading them into a false sense of security, and you can get your medal XD.

Would I abuse my powers? Heavens no! I do not even know if detectives even do possess such powers, but still no. Just no.

I am 16 turning 17. Many of you say that I am to old, but that is not the case at all. I play to help all of you. My goal was to become a staff member, and I accomplished it. So now I can help out OldCP! I as well find myself to be old for this game, but it is fun and I enjoy spending time on here. I am just waiting for my new car :P.

What would I do as detective: Well I would most likely use my techniques that I listed above. For example Jordian wants to kill a innocent member of OldCP. What would I do? I would jump in front of the person being held at gun point, and talk to Jordian. I would calm him down. Then someone with a firearm could step in and possibly retain his strength.

Well there you have it. That is my detective application. I hope you found it enjoyable. ;). ~Cheep

+1 by bakon, Zeternal, trixie, blobby21 and 3 others
Lady Cheep Glitz of the Royal Imperial Bank
Lady of the Bank - Detective - Forums Moderator - OldCP Moderator - Lady of the Empire



2,119 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th July 2014, 01:01 PM

I just saw what you said on Bobs post lol good app!

+1 by Cheep and Zeternal
learn from me

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Seen 23rd December 2018
27th July 2014, 01:02 PM

Great app! Hope you get accepted as 1! +1 ;D


+1 by Cheep
MY MOD APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/20226-/

MY DET APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21056-/

Thank you, Sampopxxx101! :)

Knights Army! More info: http://forums.damenspike.com/KnightsArmy Thanks Away/Wisp for the signature! :D
Thanks Yoyo for le awesome comic! :D Thanks Sampopxxx for the signature! :D Thanks suzy for the boss signature! :D
Thanks Lloyd for dis sig! ;)
Behold the sig of 2015!! Thanks Foxeh!!

1,414 posts
Seen 10th February 2022
27th July 2014, 01:05 PM

This is a really good app! i hope u become a detective :) +1!

+1 by Cheep


466 posts
Seen 9th August 2023
27th July 2014, 01:07 PM

Great post! I hope you get the job +1

+1 by Cheep
Best Friends

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Seen 7th March 2016
27th July 2014, 02:00 PM

Cheep's Detective Application

Hello DSGHQ members! I would like to obtain the position Detective. Why, you ask? Well simply because mysteries, murders, and more are my cup of tea ;).

Experience: Let's start off with my experience. Well I am a OldCP moderator, and I was the first Lady of the Bank ever to be seen on this game ;). Also I admire Bakon's thirst for many jobs what a go getter! :D.

As some of you know I had to look into who robbed the bank, only to uncover that Freddy did not tell Gamer to rob it. I am very hard to 'figure' out. Here is my theory on what to do when catching a criminal. Get very close to them and then you strike! Therefore leading them into a false sense of security, and you can get your medal XD.

Would I abuse my powers? Heavens no! I do not even know if detectives even do possess such powers, but still no. Just no.

I am 16 turning 17. Many of you say that I am to old, but that is not the case at all. I play to help all of you. My goal was to become a staff member, and I accomplished it. So now I can help out OldCP! I as well find myself to be old for this game, but it is fun and I enjoy spending time on here. I am just waiting for my new car :P.

What would I do as detective: Well I would most likely use my techniques that I listed above. For example Jordian wants to kill a innocent member of OldCP. What would I do? I would jump in front of the person being held at gun point, and talk to Jordian. I would calm him down. Then someone with a firearm could step in and possibly retain his strength.

Well there you have it. That is my detective application. I hope you found it enjoyable. ;). ~Cheep
Great application Cheep! Hope you get the job!

+1 by Cheep

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