29th July 2014

My Administrator Application

Made by PenguinDSC in Applications

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
29th July 2014, 12:00 PM

Hello! Today, I would like to make an administrator application. I believe I am ready after what happened when I first got admin.

Name: PenguinDSC

Age: 13

What rank are you applying for? Administrator for both oldcp and forums.

My experience with oldcp

- I have been on Oldcp for about 12 months solid now, since July of last year.

- I have been on the forums for about ten months now.

Why I think I would be a good Administrator

- I have wonderful grammar.

- I am always on the positive side of things.

- I have all the requirements and follow them. (Both oldcp and forums)

- I don't abuse my powers.

- I am very nice to others, and I have a great attitude towards others and everything.

- I follow the rules, also enforcing them.

- I am very helpful, and I know how to handle situations, and the commands.

My Staff Experiences

As some of you know, I have been staff before.

My history starts in a "timeline" I guess.

- I was promoted to Moderator in late October when Damen was choosing more Moderators.

- In late December or early January of this year, (I don't remember when) Oldcp was shut down. I was therefore demoted from Moderator.

- In early February or late January I was re-promoted as Moderator when oldcp came back up.

This is not part of this but I will tell you anyways. I made an Administrator Application on February 2nd of this year.

- I became Administrator for 2 hours in Early March. I was only an Administrator for two hours because of this. When i said "I am ready after I first got Admin", I meant this. So, when I became an Administrator Cyberwolf said he might quit because Damen made me Administrator. He said I was childish, not mature enough, and just not ready. I think I am ready because I am older, and more mature. I think I am ready because I have been a Moderator for quite a long time.

- I quit oldcp for a month in April, so I was demoted from Moderator.

- I came back a month later, and got back forums Moderator two weeks later.

- Just recently, on the 19th or 20th of July, I became Moderator once again.

Reasons Why I would like to be an Administrator

- I love to help.

- I learned a bit of html, and I am starting to be taught Java.

- It would be a nice change. It is tough, but I know I can do my best if I try.

- I am active, and I love being on all the time.

- I will never abuse my powers.

- I will never betray oldcp ever.

- I will do anything and everything to help oldcp be a great place for kids all the time.

- I am very trustworthy, if you ask anyone, they'd say yes.

- I am mature for my age, and very mature in general.

- I know what to do in many situations.

My Skills

- I am great at enforcing.

- I am very smart at my age, and want to be an electrical engineer or an engineer when I'm oldcp.

- Being helpful

- Following the rules

Why I think I am Ready

I think I am ready because I believe I have the skills, and that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I am very mature, know all the rules, enforce them, and know how to use commands. I am very serious when it comes to my work, and I for one believe that is very important because I need to be able to focus. Yes I love to have fun all the time, but I am very serious and mature, and try to always be on. I am very respectful, polite, and am good and getting better with learning technology.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this!


+1 by poptropica10, Zeternal, V, EpicAnimatorGuy and 44 others

682 posts
Seen 4th October 2015
29th July 2014, 12:02 PM

I really like it. I know you will be a Administrator. -Poptropica10 +1 for you

+1 by Zeternal, Annie, , Bunny the Loved and 1 other
<a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/p.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/o.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/p.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/t.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/r.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/o.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/p.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/i.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/c.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/a.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/1.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.glitx.com"><img src="http://static.glitx.com/gtg/51/0.gif" alt="click to generate your own text" border="0"></a>

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Seen 23rd December 2018
29th July 2014, 12:02 PM

Amazing application! Hope you get admin! ;) I'd give this a 100%, and +1,000,000!


+1 by poptropica10, Pumpkin King, PenguinDSC, Annie and 1 other
MY MOD APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/20226-/

MY DET APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21056-/

Thank you, Sampopxxx101! :)

Knights Army! More info: http://forums.damenspike.com/KnightsArmy Thanks Away/Wisp for the signature! :D
Thanks Yoyo for le awesome comic! :D Thanks Sampopxxx for the signature! :D Thanks suzy for the boss signature! :D
Thanks Lloyd for dis sig! ;)
Behold the sig of 2015!! Thanks Foxeh!!

1,136 posts
Seen 5th June 2022
29th July 2014, 12:04 PM

Great app! In my opinion, I think you are ready for Administrator! I am giving this post a +1!

+1 by poptropica10, PenguinDSC, Annie, Bailey and 1 other

Anything is possible, you just need to try.
1,746 posts
Seen 14th June 2023
29th July 2014, 12:08 PM

I love it penguindsc i hope the admins decide to give you admin.

+1 by Bailey
Hey, im Lylance!

Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
29th July 2014, 12:10 PM

Awesome!!! Probably no one could top this! +1

+1 by PenguinDSC, Annie and Bailey

1,175 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
29th July 2014, 12:10 PM

*insert epic text here*


+1 by Bailey
"I've failed over and over and over all my life, and that is why I succeed."

Epic Signature by Thisismyname

Awesome signature by Courtney6

Ahoy! Me and my good friend Rockhopper!


Me and Damen, a rare sight! :D

Thanks, Cherry123!

Nice job, Bailey!

Awesome job, Gamer!

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom!

Another impressive masterpiece by Gamer!

2,097 posts
Seen 21st September 2020
29th July 2014, 12:12 PM

Amazing application. You deserve this rank. +1

+1 by PenguinDSC, Annie and Bailey

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
29th July 2014, 12:13 PM

Thank you for all your support guys! I love when people motivate others to try hard. It makes people think of others and not themselves. It also helps people try harder for something.

+1 by Pencil, Annie, V, Chase and 2 others

1,119 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
29th July 2014, 12:14 PM

ROUND 2 ! Of penguinDSC being an ADMIN Good luck!

+1 by Annie, Pencil and Bailey
Me,myself,and I.

Thanks drakee

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
29th July 2014, 12:15 PM

ROUND 2 ! Of penguinDSC being an ADMIN[/b] Good luck!

Thank you for your support lag! Your one of my best friends!

+1 by Pencil, Annie, Chase and Bailey

1,314 posts
Seen 26th October 2015
29th July 2014, 12:28 PM

Well everybody PenguinDSC just got promoted to ADMINISTRATOR!
I hope you get it I wish it wasn't only 1 like I want to like it 1024323242334234234241242141241241241242142433243434356577685 times!

+1 by PenguinDSC and Bailey

Im not active XD
1,120 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
29th July 2014, 12:35 PM

This was really good! It was nice that you knew that you had to be a moderator first! I give this a 1+ Good luck!

+1 by Bailey
My penguin in Oldcp

Master Application![

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
29th July 2014, 12:35 PM

Great application! Good luck future administer! X3
~Angi :)

+1 by Bailey

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
29th July 2014, 12:37 PM

You need 2000 posts and 2000 reputation.

+1 by Bailey

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