31st July 2014
1 view


Made by ChocoCupcake in Applications

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
31st July 2014, 01:50 PM

Hi! My name is SHIELD and I would like to apply to be a mod. After looking at how the mods work, I decided that I'm up for the challenge. If I were a mod, I would make sure no one would swear, harass, spam, or make anyone feel uncomfortable in any way. If someone told me that they were harassed or someone swore, I would say I would need picture proof. I shall do anything in order for people to feel comfortable. I never ever have been moderator before, but I did help a mod by checking the island when he was the only mod online. I would like to value everyone for their personalities.I feel like everyone should be treated the same even though other people think they are lower than them. I feel that if you think someone is lower than you, then you are actually lower than them and that's very hurtful. If I saw someone doing something that they shouldn't do, I would give them a warning. But if they kept doing it. I would give them one more warning. If they KEEP doing it, I will kick them. If they continue, I would throw them in jail. I love watching all the mods to their work with all of their efforts. I want to be as amazing as them.

+1 by Teskevon and roze

1,694 posts
Seen 9th July 2022
31st July 2014, 01:52 PM

Hi! My name is SHIELD and I would like to apply to be a mod. After looking at how the mods work, I decided that I'm up for the challenge. If I were a mod, I would make sure no one would swear, harass, spam, or make anyone feel uncomfortable in any way. If someone told me that they were harassed or someone swore, I would say I would need picture proof. I shall do anything in order for people to feel comfortable. I never ever have been moderator before, but I did help a mod by checking the island when he was the only mod online. I would like to value everyone for their personalities.I feel like everyone should be treated the same even though other people think they are lower than them. I feel that if you think someone is lower than you, then you are actually lower than them and that's very hurtful. If I saw someone doing something that they shouldn't do, I would give them a warning. But if they kept doing it. I would give them one more warning. If they KEEP doing it, I will kick them. If they continue, I would throw them in jail. I love watching all the mods to their work with all of their efforts. I want to be as amazing as them.

Great Application but I'm pretty sure you have to be on Forums for at least 6 months or more and oldcp 4 or 5

here's an old image I have

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