7th August 2014

Search Bar Bug

Made by Rawr in Bugs

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
7th August 2014, 11:36 AM


In the passed days, I have been using the search bar. I search a discussion, and it shows the discussions tagged with what I searched. And so there was 3 pages. When I went to click page 2, it said "No discussions tagged with your search", afterwards, I went back to page one, and it brought me to the search bar menu.

I found this very strange, I knew if was not normal. If this is suppose to be like this, please ell me.

+1 by CPManiac, IndigoPalace, Zeternal, Annie and 1 other

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th August 2014, 11:37 AM

This has been happening for like a long time now. I know because it happens to me when I try to go to another page.

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
7th August 2014, 11:39 AM

It should not be like this, and it has been like this for a month or something now. I would really like it to be fixed, for it is most likely a bug. Several times I have tried it, and several times I have failed.

If only there was someway to fix it (If it is a bug) that would be much easier. +1.

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