15th August 2014
1 view

Emily ~ Penguin Watch

Made by EmilyXo in Applications

182 posts
Seen 3rd February 2016
15th August 2014, 03:23 PM

Hello My Fellow Penguins, Emily Here!

Today I Will Be Applying for Penguin Watch.



I Want this Job to be the best that I Could be. I Want to be a part of Oldcp, to be SOMETHING. I Want to help others and watch out for the bad guys. I Want to keep all Penguins Safe and Sound. I Will be there to support everyone and protect.



Age: 13
~ I Used to be A Moderator ~
~ Won 5th Moderator Competition ~
Country: Canada



Do I Believe I Deserve it? Yes, Ive worked very hard for a Job.
Am I Trustworthy? Yes, I Would Believe So.
Would I Ever disobey Damen or The Moderators? Never.
Would I Ever yell? Never.

What Would I Do If I Saw a Penguin Swearing or disobeying the rules?

I Would First nicely ask them to stop and if they say something like "Sorry, I Didn't know" Then I Would let them off easy they might be new and didn't know it was a rule. If they continued to disobey and not listen then I Would Kick them. If someone came up to me and said someone else sweared and I did not see, I would keep a good eye on that penguin because I Need proof.

Would I abuse my powers? Never.
How often am I online? Atleast once or twice a day.
In-game Username: Emily
Am I mature enough? Yes.
Do I have good spelling and Grammer? Yes.



I Dont want to be another penguin you see waddling around everyday. I Want to be "Emily the Penguin Watch" Ive tried very hard lately to be "Emily the Mod" again But those things take lots of time and effort and All I Need to do is just work harder, the harder I work the closer I'll get. I just need tot take one step at a time.




Thank you for reading, Have A Lovely Day!

+1 by Teskevon, Jake01, sarah and n

506 posts
Seen 17th March 2019
15th August 2014, 03:33 PM

I love your application! I hope you get the job! Now, let's stay focused on this part of the comment. Don't pay attention to anything after this sentence.
Sadie is awesome.

+1 by EmilyXo

1,070 posts
Seen 18th December 2018
15th August 2014, 04:24 PM

I love this application. It was very detailed and eye catching. I really liked it 1+ :D
it is what it is Sadie is amazing.
^ ^ ^ I was dared... XD

let the melody save me astoria

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